Letters Vol. 1
Letters is a series that will feature all my thoughts and opinions regarding a topic that hits my interest. I will consider this series a sort of journal entry - an electronic one. Since my blog is the electronic version of where I write my of my thoughts, I hope you, as a reader, would somehow relate to what I will be sharing.
Letters | Vol. 1
Do you ever feel the lack of appreciation?
Have you ever done so much to attain a goal, accomplish it, yet fail to impress the persons you want to showcase your capabilities to?
It's hard, my friend. I have felt my fair share of lack of appreciation.This leads to the feeling of inadequacy and self-questioning: am I enough? Are all my efforts not enough? Will I get better?
Then you push yourself harder. You spend more time rewriting and rereading your notes instead of going out and visiting the other members of your family. You tend to sleep four hours more than your normal sleeping time. You get so competitive in school that not getting the highest score devastates you and makes you judge yourself more. At the end of the day, you become more selfish. You try to be the best, the number one.
Whenever my friends and I talk, they share stories about how they are being encouraged: a simple "good luck" or "you can do it". Even the acceptance of the extent of their capabilities. Comparing is bad but sometimes, I just can't help it. I become more disappointed with myself. Why do I never get those?
Maybe they're just too silent. Maybe they don't want to speak up. Maybe they aren't courageous enough to tell what they actually feel. I still haven't gotten out of the zone where I keep on questioning myself on how to make them proud. I just want to hear them say it. Even just for once.
I don't know where this letter is leading to and it's becoming hazy. I don't want to share too much of this, things might become bad.
For those who have reached this part of the letter, I am reminding you one thing: do not be afraid to speak up. It can make someone's day: a simple "thank you" or even a compliment will surely lift things up. If you're afraid to speak, try to tell it in another way. The important thing is you are able to share your feelings or even thoughts.
As what I've said before, I don't know where this letter is leading to.
Ah, I've been wearing my earphones without listening to anything. How dumb.